Monday, August 9, 2010

Energy News Digest for August 9, 2010

All the links in today’s news digest lead to current stories. Please note that some media organizations update their web sites regularly, which may result in broken links in the future.

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Methow Power-Line Fight Turns into Washington State Supreme Court Showdown (Seattle Times)

New Port Angeles Plant Will Use Forest Biomass for Electricity “…Department of Natural Resources picked Nippon as one of four partners to use forest biomass from state lands for green energy projects…” (Associated Press)

Streetlights on Shelton City Commission’s Agenda Monday (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)

Biologists Celebrate Strong Sockeye Return to Central Idaho Spawning Grounds (Northwest Public Radio)

Feds May Cut Columbia Basin Hatchery Production to Benefit Wild Fish (Oregonian, Portland)


·         Methow Power-Line Fight Turns into Washington State Supreme Court Showdown
·         Canada - Ontario’s Cheap Power Advantage Is Gone, Says Industry
·         Editorial – Chelan PUD Wisely Stays the Course
·         Florida - Lee County Electric Cooperative Returns $7.6 Million to Customers
·         Global Warming Heats up a Nuclear Energy Renaissance
·         Gaza Power Plant Shuts Down Citing Lack of Fuel
·         Biologists Celebrate Strong Sockeye Return to Central Idaho Spawning Grounds
·         Feds May Cut Columbia Basin Hatchery Production to Benefit Wild Fish
·         Washington Turns to Private Funding to Operate Fish Hatcheries
·         Colville Tribes Again Funding State’s Fish Hatchery to Avoid Closure Due to Budget
·         Op/Ed - Summer Spill Harms Salmon, Adds Costs
·         Federal Flood Insurance Program Must Consider Salmon & Whales
·         Alaska Fishermen Battle Mammoth Mine Proposal
·         Maryland Seeks Haven to Refresh Oyster Habitat
·         Op/Ed - New Collaboration That Embraces Science & Tribal Knowledge Informs Marine Understanding
·         Boundaries Proposed for Carlsborg Sewer System
·         Kitsap PUD - Two Seek to Unseat Utility District Incumbent
·         Oregon Hits Lewis & Clark College with $77,927 Environmental Fine
·         New Port Angeles Plant Will Use Forest Biomass for Electricity
·         California - Biomass Plant Seeks Negotiation on Charges with Lassen Municipal Utility District
·         Concern over Mercury - Wood Chips May Pose Problems When Charter Street Plant Converts to Biomass
·         Mason County PUD 3 to Discuss Radar Ridge Tuesday
·         Bonneville Power Administration Launches Online Tool to Track Wind, Weather Data
·         Canada - Why Wind Power Is More Complicated Than People Imagine
·         New York - Bird, Bat Deaths Prompt Call for St. Lawrence Valley Wind Moratorium
·         EPA Releases Study on Aerojet Solar Array
·         Bioenergy from Wood Capable of Substituting for a Fifth of German Oil Use
·         Washington State Weatherization Programs: Jobs Up, Power Bills Down
·         Watt Meters at Lake Stevens Library Show How Much Juice You Are Using
·         Shining a Light on Electricity Savings - One Bulb at a Time
·         Appliance Makers Craft More Incentives for Energy Efficiency
·         Go Online for Help Going Green on Energy
·         Storm Clouds Gather in Climate Change Debate
·         Obama Gets a Menu of Climate Actions He Can Take Without Congress
·         US Changes Plan for Capturing Emissions from Coal
·         Giant Ice Island Breaks Off Greenland
·         Oxyburn - New Ways to Scrub Out the Carbon
·         Palo Alto Seeks New Direction in Solid Waste Power Plant
·         Green Living: Off the Grid Families Pioneer Sustainable Energy Lifestyles
·         Hopes Run High for Portland’s Ecoroofs
·         Finding New Life (and Profit) in Doomed Trees
·         Qwest CEO, CenturyLink Dispute Objections to Deal
·         Ookla’s Handy Tools Gauge Broadband Speeds
·         Coffee Shops Are Taking Wi-Fi Off the Menu
·         New York Sues LCD Screen ‘Cartel’ for Fixing Prices
·         Millions Stick With TV Antennas to Save Money
·         Battle Looms over Huge Costs of Public Pensions
·         Wheat’s Turning Golden after Russian Grain Export Ban
·         Streetlights on Shelton City Commission’s Agenda Monday
·         Washington Ferry System Buys Unusable Generators
·         $2.5 Million in Olympic National Park Projects
·         Oregon - Interior Department Okays Cascade Locks Casino
·         Man Pulled over in Tenino With Dead Body in Pickup
·         Belfair - ‘Farm at Water’s Edge’ Wants to Show Connection between Humans, Salmon
·         Habitat for Humanity Starts Recruitment for Belfair Store
·         Former Olympia Brewery Auction Gets Bid of $24.9 Million
·         British Columbia - Glacier Invades: Thousands Ordered to Leave Their Homes
·         Former Videographer for KCPQ-TV Accused of Stealing Expensive Cameras
·         Marijuana-Smoking Boy, 14, Suspected of Starting LA-Area Wildfire


Festoon • \FESS-toon\ • noun or as a verb

NOUN 1: a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points 2: a carved, molded, or painted ornament representing a decorative chain

VERB 1: to hang or form festoons on 2: to shape into festoons

Festooned with garlands of freshly picked garlic, the “Garlic Haus” at the fair was the most fragrant, and perhaps the least visited of the Grange’s displays. After three days, it was the most avoided site on the fairgrounds. On the fourth day, the “Twilight” re-enactors started  to complain that it gave them headaches and tingling teeth.



Methow Power-Line Fight Turns into Washington State Supreme Court Showdown (Seattle Times)

Canada - Ontario’s Cheap Power Advantage Is Gone, Says Industry (Toronto Star, Ontario)

Editorial – Chelan PUD Wisely Stays the Course (Wenatchee World, WA)

Florida - Lee County Electric Cooperative Returns $7.6 Million to Customers (WINK-TV, Fort Meyers FL)

Global Warming Heats up a Nuclear Energy Renaissance (Christian Science Monitor)

Gaza Power Plant Shuts Down Citing Lack of Fuel (Associated Press)


Biologists Celebrate Strong Sockeye Return to Central Idaho Spawning Grounds (Northwest Public Radio)

Feds May Cut Columbia Basin Hatchery Production to Benefit Wild Fish (Oregonian, Portland)

Washington Turns to Private Funding to Operate Fish Hatcheries (Northwest Public Radio)

Colville Tribes Again Funding State’s Fish Hatchery to Avoid Closure Due to Budget (Columbia Basin Bulletin)

Op/Ed - Summer Spill Harms Salmon, Adds Costs (Othello Outlook, WA)

Federal Flood Insurance Program Must Consider Salmon & Whales (Associated Press)

Alaska Fishermen Battle Mammoth Mine Proposal (Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA)

Maryland Seeks Haven to Refresh Oyster Habitat (National Public Radio)


Op/Ed - New Collaboration That Embraces Science & Tribal Knowledge Informs Marine Understanding (Seattle Times)

Boundaries Proposed for Carlsborg Sewer System (Sequim Gazette, WA)

Kitsap PUD - Two Seek to Unseat Utility District Incumbent (North Kitsap Herald, Poulsbo, WA)

Oregon Hits Lewis & Clark College with $77,927 Environmental Fine (Oregonian, Portland)


New Port Angeles Plant Will Use Forest Biomass for Electricity “…Department of Natural Resources picked Nippon as one of four partners to use forest biomass from state lands for green energy projects…” (Associated Press)

California - Biomass Plant Seeks Negotiation on Charges with Lassen Municipal Utility District (Lassen County Times, CA)

Concern over Mercury - Wood Chips May Pose Problems When Charter Street Plant Converts to Biomass (The Cap Times, Madison, WI)

Mason County PUD 3 to Discuss Radar Ridge Tuesday (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)

Bonneville Power Administration Launches Online Tool to Track Wind, Weather Data (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Canada - Why Wind Power Is More Complicated Than People Imagine - Many factors come into play as Ontario makes the switch to green energy (Ottawa Citizen, Ontario)

New York - Bird, Bat Deaths Prompt Call for St. Lawrence Valley Wind Moratorium (North County Public Radio, Canton, NY)

EPA Releases Study on Aerojet Solar Array (Sacramento Business Journal)

Bioenergy from Wood Capable of Substituting for a Fifth of German Oil Use (Bloomberg News)


Washington State Weatherization Programs: Jobs Up, Power Bills Down (KBKW Radio, Aberdeen, WA)

Watt Meters at Lake Stevens Library Show How Much Juice You Are Using (Everett Herald, WA)

Shining a Light on Electricity Savings - One Bulb at a Time (North Jersey.Com)

Appliance Makers Craft More Incentives for Energy Efficiency (Dow Jones Newswire)

Go Online for Help Going Green on Energy (Everett Herald, WA)


Storm Clouds Gather in Climate Change Debate (New Mexico Business Weekly)

Obama Gets a Menu of Climate Actions He Can Take Without Congress (NY Times)

US Changes Plan for Capturing Emissions from Coal (NY Times)

Giant Ice Island Breaks Off Greenland (Associated Press)


Oxyburn - New Ways to Scrub Out the Carbon (NY Times)

Palo Alto Seeks New Direction in Solid Waste Power Plant “…For 40 years, Palo Alto has burned its sewage, sending 20,000 tons of greenhouses gases up a smokestack…” (Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal)

Green Living: Off the Grid Families Pioneer Sustainable Energy Lifestyles (Christian Science Monitor)

Hopes Run High for Portland’s Ecoroofs (Oregonian, Portland)

Finding New Life (and Profit) in Doomed Trees (NY Times)


Qwest CEO, CenturyLink Dispute Objections to Deal (Denver Business Journal)

Ookla’s Handy Tools Gauge Broadband Speeds (Seattle Times)

Coffee Shops Are Taking Wi-Fi Off the Menu (Los Angeles Times, CA)

New York Sues LCD Screen ‘Cartel’ for Fixing Prices (Associated Press)

Millions Stick With TV Antennas to Save Money (KING-TV, Seattle)


Battle Looms over Huge Costs of Public Pensions (NY Times)


Wheat’s Turning Golden after Russian Grain Export Ban (Wenatchee World, WA)

Streetlights on Shelton City Commission’s Agenda Monday (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)

Washington Ferry System Buys Unusable Generators (Associated Press)

$2.5 Million in Olympic National Park Projects (Associated Press)

Oregon - Interior Department Okays Cascade Locks Casino (Oregon Public Broadcasting)

Man Pulled over in Tenino With Dead Body in Pickup (Olympian, WA)

Belfair - ‘Farm at Water’s Edge’ Wants to Show Connection between Humans, Salmon (Kitsap Sun, Bremerton, WA)

Habitat for Humanity Starts Recruitment for Belfair Store (Kitsap Sun, Bremerton, WA)

Former Olympia Brewery Auction Gets Bid of $24.9 Million (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

British Columbia - Glacier Invades: Thousands Ordered to Leave Their Homes after Massive Slide near Pemberton (Victoria Times Colonist, BC)

Former Videographer for KCPQ-TV Accused of Stealing Expensive Cameras (Seattle Times)

Marijuana-Smoking Boy, 14, Suspected of Starting LA-Area Wildfire (Associated Press)


Lorene Yarnell, Mime, Dancer & Half of a Comedy Duo, Dies at 66

Store Manager Throws Hot Coffee in Intruder’s Face

Recycled Plastic Too Active - Marshfield Playground Delayed over Static Electricity

British Man Walks Entire Amazon River in Two Years


Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence